How to Recharge a Fume Vape: A Comprehensive Guide Updated in (2024)

Direct Answer: Yes, it is possible to recharge a Fume Vape. However, this process is not officially recommended by the manufacturer. If you choose to proceed, do so with caution and at your own risk.


As a seasoned Vape Technician, I’ve come across a multitude of queries, but one that seems to be gaining traction is “how to recharge a Fume Vape?” While it’s not a standard practice, I understand the curiosity and the desire to extend the life of your device. So, let’s dive into the process, shall we?

With vaping’s rising popularity, many users are looking to extend the lifespan of their devices. Recharging Fume and other vape brands may seem like an easy DIY solution, but is it safe? This comprehensive guide will examine if and how to recharge a Fume vape, with tips to maximize battery life and key precautions to take.

After reviewing manufacturer guidelines, YouTube tutorials, vape forum threads, and expert analyses, our team has compiled best practices for those who wish to recharge despite warnings. The bottom line: while possible, recharging any vape device comes with risks and is not officially recommended. Proceed with caution.

By the end, you’ll know how to identify when your Fume needs recharging, what tools to use, safe charging techniques, signs of problems, and when to properly dispose of batteries. While results may vary by model, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision on recharging your Fume vape.

How to Recharge a Fume Vape

Step-by-Step Guide to Recharging a Fume Vape

Before attempting to recharge, consult your Fume vape’s manual for any specific warnings or instructions. While the process may differ slightly by model, the basics are similar:

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

To recharge a Fume Vape, you’ll need a USB cable and a standard USB wall charger. Ensure that the cable is compatible with the charging port of your Fume Vape.

You’ll need a compatible USB charging cable and wall adapter. Opt for manufacturer-approved equipment designed for your specific Fume model whenever possible.

Cables should have a USB-A connector on one end to plug into the adapter, and a USB-C or micro-USB on the other to connect to your vape. Select an adapter that provides 5V of power from a reputable brand like Anker or RAVPower [1]. Avoid cheap, off-brand chargers which could damage your device.

How to Recharge a Fume Vape

Step 2: Connect the Vape to the Charger

Connect one end of the USB cable to your Fume Vape and the other end to the USB wall charger. Make sure the connections are secure.

First, plug your USB cable into the wall adapter, then connect the other end to the charging port on your Fume vape. Consult your manual to locate this port.

Make sure all connections are fully secure – loose cables can prevent proper charging. Align ports properly to avoid damaging the device.

How to Recharge a Fume Vape

Step 3: Wait for the Vape to Recharge

Recharging can take anywhere from half an hour to 4 hours. While the vape is charging, do not use it. Patience is key here!

Once connected, the indicator light on your Fume device will turn red to show it’s charging. Charging a fully depleted battery may take 1-4 hours depending on model [2].

Do NOT use your vape while it’s charging – this strains the battery. Also avoid charging overnight or unattended. Monitor the light indicator and your vape to ensure safe charging.

Some key signs of problems include the device feeling hot, an unusual odor, the light flashing oddly, or failure to charge after several hours. Disconnect immediately if any of these occur.

Disconnect Once Fully Charged

When the indicator light turns green, your Fume is fully recharged. Promptly unplug the cable from the device and wall adapter. Leaving the vape plugged in after a full charge can damage the battery.

Recharge your Fume’s battery whenever it feels depleted and the light flashes low battery warnings. But don’t wait until it’s fully dead, as this added strain can shorten battery lifespan over time.

Assessing When Your Fume Vape Needs Recharging

Don’t just recharge your Fume randomly – learn to recognize when it truly needs more power. Checking these indicators can help identify when your battery requires rejuicing:

  • Low vapor production
  • LED flashes 10-15 times
  • Auto-shutoff after just a few uses
  • Device doesn’t turn on

Note that leaving your Fume idle for several weeks can also fully deplete the battery. Give it an occasional recharge even if you haven’t used it [3].

Conversely, avoid recharging too often. Best practice is to recharge once the battery drops below 40%, not after just a few uses. Frequent full charging cycles strain Fume’s lithium-ion batteries.

How to Recharge a Fume Vape

Risks and Precautions

While recharging a Fume Vape is possible, it’s important to note that this is not officially recommended. Doing so could potentially damage the device or reduce its lifespan. Always proceed with caution and at your own risk.

While recharging your Fume at home is possible, be aware of hazards like [4]:

  • Overcharging – Once the battery is full, excess charging can damage cells. Always unplug immediately once fully charged.
  • Overheating – Faulty chargers/cables may cause batteries to overheat, posing a fire risk. Monitor temperature and disconnect if hot.
  • Battery leaks – Recharging a very old or damaged battery could cause leaks or explosions. Inspect regularly and properly dispose when faulty.
  • Electric shock – Exposed wires or broken chargers can shock users. Replace damaged equipment immediately.

To mitigate risks:

  • Carefully inspect batteries and only recharge undamaged cells. Look for cracks, leaks, bulges.
  • Use only quality chargers and cables that meet manufacturer specs for your exact model. No subsitutions or rigging.
  • Avoid leaving Fume unattended during charging session – monitor for full charge or abnormalities.
  • Do not recharge near flammable materials or liquids. Choose a non-porous surface.
  • Check frequently for heat, odors, odd noises that may indicate issues.

While inconvenient, remember it’s safest to replace depleted batteries rather than attempting potentially hazardous DIY recharging.


When to Properly Dispose of Your Fume Battery

Over time, recharging takes a toll on lithium-ion batteries. When your Fume’s battery life declines past usability, it’s time to properly dispose and replace it. Signs include [5]:

  • No longer holding a full charge
  • Significant loss of usage time per charge
  • Failure to recharge fully despite efforts

At this point, the battery has reached its lifespan limit. Continuing recharge attempts can be unsafe. Follow local regulations to recycle your lithium-ion battery – never toss in normal trash.

Most vape shops offer recycling programs. You can also check sites like to find nearby drop-off locations.


Recharging a Fume Vape can be a handy trick to extend its life, but it’s not without risks. Always proceed with caution and remember that the manufacturer does not officially recommend this process. Happy vaping!

While recharging your Fume vape is possible with the right tools and precautions, results vary and the risks still exist. Weigh the benefits and downsides carefully. When in doubt, consult official manufacturer charging guidelines.

With proper batteries, high-quality cables, attentive monitoring, and responsible battery disposal, recharging your Fume can squeeze a bit more life out of your device. But the safest route is replacing depleted batteries rather than pushing past their limits.

People also ask

While it’s technically possible to recharge most Fume Vapes, it’s not officially recommended by the manufacturer.

No, not all Fume vape models can be recharged. Some key factors that determine if a Fume vape can be recharged include:

  • Battery type – Most Fume vapes use lithium-ion (Li-ion) rechargeable batteries. But some cheaper models may use non-rechargeable batteries which must be replaced.
  • Built-in battery vs removable – Many newer Fume vapes have a built-in Li-ion battery that can be recharged via USB. But older models use a removable 18650 battery that would need an external charger.
  • Sealed battery vs open system – Devices with sealed, non-removable batteries can only be recharged in the device itself if a port is provided. Open systems with removable batteries offer more flexibility.
  • Charging method – Most rechargeable Fumes use a standard micro-USB or USB-C port. But some may require a proprietary cable and charger.

So you’ll need to check the specifications of your particular Fume model to verify if it has a rechargeable battery and compatible charging port. The product manual or authenticity sticker on the device itself should indicate this. Contact Fume support if unsure – recharging a non-rechargeable battery could be hazardous.

The recharging time can vary, but it typically takes between half an hour to 4 hours.

The recharge time for a Fume vape can vary depending on the specific model and battery capacity. Here are some general guidelines on Fume recharge times:

  • Lower capacity built-in batteries (400-800mAh) may take 1-2 hours for a full charge.
  • Higher capacity built-in batteries (1000-2000mAh) may take 2-4 hours for a full charge.
  • Removable 18650 batteries (2000-3500mAh) may take 3-5 hours to fully recharge in an external charger.

Additional factors that affect recharge time include:

  • Battery’s age and condition – Older, worn batteries take longer to charge.
  • Charging method – Charging via USB is slower than using a dedicated high-amp wall charger.
  • Charging environment – High ambient temperatures can increase charging time.
  • Battery level – Charging from fully depleted takes longer than a partial recharge.

To minimize recharge time, use the optimal 1A wall adapter for your battery’s mAh capacity. Also start recharging once the battery level drops below 40% rather than waiting until empty. Avoid interrupting the charge cycle. With optimal conditions, most Fume vapes will fully recharge within 1-4 hours. Check the LED indicator to confirm when charging is complete.

No, it’s not recommended to use the vape while it’s charging. This could potentially damage the device.

  • Safety Risks – Using an electronic device while it’s charging increases the risk of electric shock or fire from an electrical fault. With a vape, the Lithium-ion battery poses additional safety hazards if misused.
  • Device Damage – When firing the coil while simultaneously drawing power to charge, it creates strain on the battery and electronics. This can lead to overheating or component failure over time.
  • Inefficient Charging – Using power from the battery while attempting to recharge it is counterproductive. It interrupts the charge cycle and often resets progress, resulting in very slow and ineffective charging.
  • Lack of Regulation – Since the battery is being accessed from two sources simultaneously, charging performance and voltage output becomes irregular. This could damage sensitive microprocessors.

The safest practice is to turn off your Fume vape completely while it charges, avoiding any button presses or heating coils. Most devices are designed to stop charging temporarily if fired up during the recharge process to prevent issues. But it’s still hard on the battery and electronics over many cycles. For full safety and best battery life, refrain from vaping during charging sessions.

Key Takeaways

  • Recharging a Fume Vape is possible but not officially recommended.
  • The recharging process involves connecting the vape to a USB wall charger using a compatible USB cable.
  • The recharging time can vary from half an hour to 4 hours.
  • It’s not recommended to use the vape while it’s charging.
  • Proceed with caution and at your own risk when attempting to recharge a Fume Vape.

Disclaimer: This guide is based on personal experience and should not be taken as professional advice. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use your device responsibly.

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